Why is the universe expanding? This made Einstein very “annoyed”! 我国古代先人非常有智慧,在汉代古书刘安的《淮南子·齐俗》中,就提到过“四方上下谓之宇,往固来今谓之... technology# Gravitational waves# universe 1wks ago15,1980
Black Hole Catcher Project is online! LAMOST discovers the largest stellar black hole to date On November 28, 2019, Nature, a top international scientific journal, published online a major di... technology# Black Hole# telescope# universe 1wks ago02,1930
James Webb Telescope: Reaching Once-Unreachable Corners of the Universe 组装完成的詹姆斯·韦伯望远镜(包括其“遮阳伞”和模块式组件)已完成部分配置,还将进行进一步安装。 ... technology# telescope# universe 1wks ago01,6130
100 years later, humans finally saw a black hole 从天文学的角度来看, 2019年可谓是黑洞之年。 这一年,黑洞研究取得了多项突破性进展。4月10日,... technology# Black Hole# universe 1wks ago01,0880